Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hot Air

Saturday morning, the three of us woke up VERY early to see the hot air balloons at a local festival. The weather did not cooperate, but a few of the groups tried to blow up their balloons. All attempts were short-lived, but Levi seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the weather did affect our pictures.

Saturday was also the first birthday party of a little girl, whose parents are our friends. Levi decided he liked the girls' car.

But, Levi didn't understand why his daddy didn't think he should be riding in a pink car!

You can also see his most recent injury from Thursday - a cut right next to his right eye. Thankfully, no eye injury and no black eye!


a said...

Great pictures! I'm glad his eye is okay! The cut makes him look a lot tougher in the pink car!

Kathy Rains said...

I love that picture -- pink car and all! (We're shopping for cars! Can I get one as long as it's not pink?) Love you!