Thursday, September 10, 2009


Levi loves golf. Kevin has the new Tiger Woods game for the Wii, and he taught Levi to "swing" the Wii remote and say, "Pow!", about a month ago. Levi now loves to say "Pow!" about almost any type of ball that is thrown or hit or "club" that is swung. His grandma and granddaddy Hughes found a nerf golf club and ball, and when he's there, they are lucky when they can pry it out of his hands. They found a golf club just for Levi, because they had let Levi hold one of his granddaddy's real golf clubs, and Levi would not let go of it. He literally had his diaper changed at least one time while holding on to it. (Can anyone say, "spoiled"?!?! But, that's just what a grandparent is supposed to do, right?)

Tonight, Levi remembered that he had something that resembled a golf club, his Playskool baseball bat. This clip is longer than my usual clips (it's about 27 seconds), but I thought it was the cutest.


a said...

So cute! So...does this mean "pow" is his first word? :)

Quimby said...

When is the announcement date of the acceptace of the Auburn baseball scholarship?
Love Dad (Q)

Kathy Rains said...

You're right -- "it is the cutest." Can he get cuter? Oh, yes, he can!

Love you!

agirlinawhirl said...

Oh, I love it. Cute as pie!