Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Chair

Levi rarely wears a bib when he's at home, unless we're having spaghetti. Then, I'd rather have him wear coveralls then just a bib, but we do the best we can with what we have. On Sunday night, I made spaghetti, and Levi decided to ask to sit in a "big seat" for dinner. He's only asked to do this one or two times before. I was a bit hesitant because spaghetti can already be a rather messy meal but decided a mess really isn't a show stopper.

The experience wasn't nearly as messy as I had feared, although you can see that he did have some challenges with getting everything transferred from plate to spoon to mouth.


Kathy Rains said...

You are one brave momma! So cute! Love you!

a said...

Oh my gosh! He looks SO big!!