Monday, December 12, 2011

Kara Jane's 6th Month Appointment

Kara went to the doctor today. She weighed 16 pounds 8 ounces (50-75th percentile). She was 26.5 inches long (75th percentile). Her head was 17 inches in circumference (75th percentile). She got two shots and was only mad at Daddy for a little while.

Kara tried green beans for the first time tonight. She looks like she's saying, "I'm not to sure about this green stuff, Mama."

"Yes, Daddy, I really like them!"

She actually ate the entire container of green beans - well, she either ate it or ended up wearing it!!

I don't remember Levi being such a messy eater, but the main reason she's such a mess is that almost after every bit her thumb would go into her mouth. I can't remember if I've confessed that yet - we have a thumb-sucker. She prefers her left thumb. She likes to put everything in her mouth - thumb, fingers, socks, books, hair, etc.

Kara Jane has also started sitting up pretty well over the past week. Each day she sits up longer and longer - and with a straighter back.

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