Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break

Levi's Spring Break has actually been two weeks, because Daddy's Spring Break was last week and Levi's this week. Last week, we were all in Augusta. Mama had to work, so she was neglectful in the picture taking. This week, Mama took the week off. So, Levi, KJ, and I spent a few days with Khaki and Q - with a trip to visit Mama Rains, too.

This morning, Levi wanted to hold KJ. After grabbing the camera, I said: "Smile!" Both kids did on cue!

Then Daddy took the camera and snapped a few more of our cuties!

Yes, Kara is holding the remote control. She loves three things in this world so far: her big brother, anything that goes into her mouth, and anything that lights up when she pushes it.

1 comment:

Kathy Rains said...

They are cuties! Thanks for coming to visit. Miss you so much!