Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Liza Update - Week 5

Liza has been congested and with a cough for over ten days now.  The cough got slightly worse over the weekend.  So, we had yet another trip to the doctor today.  Rather than staying inside like the rest of Alabama this morning, we (yes, all five of us) headed out to the doctor's office.  All five of us, because "school" was delayed for Levi and Kara Jane.  Turns out the sweet little Liza has developed a case of bronchiolitis.  Here she is getting her breathing treatment tonight.

Two positives for Liza today, though: she weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces (gain of half a pound in a week - even with bronchiolitis!!!); she pooped this afternoon with NO apple or pear juice today.  A nurse friend of mine from our small group suggested that one culprit of Liza's "problem" could be the iron in my prenatal vitamin.  After she mentioned that, I recalled that I didn't take the vitamin in the hospital or for the first week because of the flu.  I haven't taken it again since Saturday morning.  Hoping that does the trick.

Since Levi and KJ had a delayed start at school until noon, I just decided to keep them home.  No sense in getting us all out in the weather for them to be at school for lunch and nap / rest time!  Levi really wanted to hold his baby sister when we got home from the doctor.  So, I got some sweet pictures of Liza with Levi and Kara. 


Kathy Rains said...

Poor little thing! So precious! All of you!

Julie Graybill said...

Praying for you and especially Liza!

Quimby said...

Poor little kids. Glad they are felling better