Friday, May 24, 2013

Liza Roo - Five Months (and one day)

Liza Roo is a pro at rolling over from her back to her stomach.  She loves to watch things (i.e. Levi and Kara Jane) from her tummy - her skydive pose as Daddy says.  She's definitely the smallest of our babies at this age, but she is full of love and joy.  When she's excited, she kicks her legs like she can hardly contain herself.  It is so precious.  The biggest "kicks" are usually for her big brother or big sister, with Mama and Daddy very close seconds.  So far, it looks like her eyes will stay blue, just like Levi and KJ.  Hard to believe this brown eyed girls has three blue eyed kids!  Levi likes to tell me that they're winning four to one.