Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beach 2012, Day 6

The weather had cleared this morning, so we were back at the beach.  Kara Jane still loves the sand.

Levi loves to "jump" the waves.  This means that Daddy or Mama lifts him above the waves before they splash on him.

After KJ's ONE nap today, we went to the beach while Levi and Kevin stayed at the house.  He hasn't been feeling all that well, and after his nap he needed a little more resting time.

Then, it was party time.  Nana isn't quite well enough to make the trip to Birmingham for the birthday party, so she got all the fixings for a little party for Kara at the beach.

I was very surprised that Kara kept the party hat on her head, but it didn't seem to bother her at all.

Papa, Nana, and Kara.

Dee Dee and Kara.

And a preview (from my camera).  Kevin, of course, will do a much better job.

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