Friday, May 4, 2012

Fun Friday

Levi has had a GREAT week. When Audy asked if he could spend the night with "the boys" on Friday, I thought it would be a fun treat for him and a wonderful reward for his awesome behavior.

Levi was a little excited.

That left Kara Jane and I home by ourselves - Kevin is in Augusta with his mom while she recovers from surgery. I tried to take a picture of KJ so you could see BOTH of her bottom teeth - the second one began to poke through yesterday. Unfortunately you can't really see them. I really did try!!

Last weekend, we visited a sports store. Levi LOVES to putt on the putting greens. Kara thought it was fun to CLIMB onto the putting green. Her first climbing experience. Tonight, we practiced some more. She was very timid the first two times tonight, but by the third she acted like an old pro. (Please note that I was right next to her in case she became unstable on the cushion.)

And for your viewing pleasure - kiss the doggie.

1 comment:

Quimby said...

What fun to watch i love the kiss.
I know Levi had a blast with the "boys".
Love Dad (Q)