Aunt Audry visited this past weekend. She actually stayed with Levi while I went to work on Friday. Levi was feeling a bit under the weather, so he had a bunch of cuddle time with his auntie.
He was all snotty again (it seems like a constant thing with him), but Aunt Audry said she had TONS of fun even with all the nose swiping and suctioning.
The three of us hung out Saturday and Sunday while Kevin was deep sea fishing with some friends. Levi was a trooper just running errands with us girls on Saturday. We didn't make it to church on Sunday, because Sunday was day 7 after having been exposed to the chicken pox. A parent of a kid in his Sunday school class told the church last Sunday that the kid broke out with the chicken pox that afternoon. We're watching Levi very closely to see if he ends up with them. We've read that the incubation period could be as long as 20 days. Day 7 - no chicken pox...
Anyway, we had a wonderful time with Aunt Audry. I am so blessed to have her as my youngest sister, and Levi is so blessed to have her as one of his bestest aunties.
We love you, (Aunt) Audry!!