Monday, March 5, 2012

Nine Months - KJ

KJ turned nine months old this past Saturday. Today, she had her nine month check-up. She weighed 19 pounds and 2 ounces (50th percentile). She was 28.75 inches long (90th percentile).

Kara is a delight. She still loves her big brother - loves to watch him and just be near him. Kara Jane does not have any teeth, and she is not crawling. She has been known to roll around to get things and is perfecting the longest reach I have ever seen. She likes to pull herself to a standing position, if she's pulling herself up using someone's fingers. Her special talent is showing her tongue. It's pretty cute. ;-) She loves peek-a-boo. She loves to have things in her mouth - particularly her thumb. She is precious. I am so thankful for this little girl.

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