Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What a Week!

Last Wednesday, Levi and I headed for Birmingham. I had a meeting there, and Levi was going to stay a couple of nights with Khaki and Q. This was a rather spur of the moment meeting, and so quick that I didn't even get to visit with one of my very dearest friends, Jamie, or her kids. So sorry Jamie, but after you read this whole post, you'll be thankful that we didn't get to see each other!!

Levi and I stopped at a Chick-fil-A. Audry met us there for a bit before we headed to a local Mexican restaurant to meet CC, Uncle Chris, Khaki, and Q.

Thursday began the big talks of snow for the southeast, but we were all planning to head to the North Georgia mountains for the trip we'd pitched in to get for my parents' Christmas present, come snow or hail! We were traveling from three different locations.

Friday came, the snow began to fall, and Levi got sick.
When he got sick the first time, they didn't think it was a virus but something he ate or drank. Unfortunately for Khaki and Q, he was sick most of the trip from their home as they attempted to get to our "cabin in the mountains". Really sick. Audry also felt sick (but didn't succumb to it like Levi did), and we began to deduce that she and Levi had gotten "something" from CFA as Levi (and Audry) became worse during the trips.

Only CC and Chris made it to the cabin on Friday night. Levi, Khaki, and Q ended up in a hotel in Chatsworth; Kevin in a hotel in Commerce; Audry and I in a hotel at the bottom of the mountain where our cabin was. Sigh. And yes, Levi was still sick that night.

We all finally arrived at the cabin on Saturday. I was so glad to see Levi. Poor Khaki and Q looked exhausted, but they did such a good job taking care of our little man. From this picture, you wouldn't be able to tell that his stomach bug was still very active and had already been passed to two healthy adults and was on its way to five others! Yes, at least seven adults have received this bug over a course of five days!

Our trip was supposed to last until Monday, but with the threat of more snow - and the fear of the stomach bug that was to come for me and Kevin - we all left on Sunday. Khaki and I keep saying to one another, how can a weekend that sounds so horrible really have been fun?!?

Kevin and I did end up with the nasty stomach bug about the time we got home. We had to send Levi to his nana and papa's house. They and his great aunt ended up getting sick Tuesday / Wednesday. So, Kevin picked up Levi last night from their house.
And Levi and I had the whole day together today. Again - how can being so sick be such fun?? We're also going to get to spend tomorrow together, as my in-laws continue to heal.

Say a prayer for all of us that we all (yep, ALL; none of us seem to have completely knocked it) get well soon.


Quimby said...

It was a great time. Even our Friday nights spread all over Ga set the tone for the weekend. Khaki, Levi and I in room 113, Kevin in room 213 and Lindy and Audry in room 113. Levi was such a trooper sick then in just a short while smiles and laughs like nothing was wrong.
Maybe next year will be not as eventful.
Love Dad (Q)

Kathy Rains said...

It was, shall we say, a memory-maker, but it's always fun being together. Love you all!

a said...

It was still so fun! Everyone I've said that to just hasn't understood! Stomach bug + all of us = fun anyway! Sad to hear the Hughes got it too.