Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Some of My Favorites

There are a few things that Levi says that I think are just adorable. Okay, maybe more than "a few", but Daddy recorded these two on Levi's second birthday.

This one he picked up from Audy and one of her friends, Lacey. Here's his version of "How you doing?" Do you hear that extra "n" - "How do-nin?" It just makes me smile.

I can't remember the exact story for how he started saying this, but I think it is too funny. "I busy!"


Kathy Rains said...

My favorites, too! Thanks so much for sharing the "Levi-isms" in video. He is amazing! Love you!

a said...

SO cute! I love how busy he obviously is in both videos! ...just playin golf.