Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Last Friday, we met Kara Jane and Levi's teachers.  We, of course, think we hit the jackpot in the teacher category.  One of Kara Jane's teachers was one of Levi's first teachers.  She'll take care of KJ on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  A teacher that we hadn't met until Friday will take care of her on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  She was super sweet, and with the name Grace, how could she be anything but gracious?  Levi's teacher will be very regimented, but we think that it will be great for preparing him for kindergarten next year.  Here are the pictures Kevin took of the kids this morning.

Here's Levi with his nap mat that he got from Nana and Papa for his birthday.


Unknown said...

How cute! How did it go?

Quimby said...

Adorable and cute as a button. Love Dad ( Q)

Kathy Rains said...

Cutest kids ever! Those are some lucky teachers! :-)