A family in our small group has a little girl who was kind enough to include us in the fun of her Cinderella birthday party. The girls and boys were supposed to dress up like princesses and princes. We didn't have a princess costume for Kara Jane, but we had a Cinderella castle dress that she was happy to wear.
Levi was very quick to tell me that he would not be a prince. He wanted to be a knight. Thankfully, Jamie's son had an "Armor of God" set that he was willing to share with us. Thanks E!!
Levi wasn't too sure about Cinderella when she first got there. Well, really, I think it was that he wasn't too sure about being the only boy between the ages of 6 months and probably 30 years of age. He eventually decided he would join the girls in Cinderella's circle.
Kara Jane never ventured that close to the circle.
They both acquiesced to pictures at the end with Cinderella. You'll have to check out Kevin's Facebook page for those.
Remember the gift
3 months ago
I don't know which was more fun to see Kara in the princess dress or Levi in the armor Love dad (Q)
Adorable! Their outfits were perfect!
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