Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Levi's Pre-K Graduation

 Levi's school had a spring program, which ended with the pre-K graduation.

Levi was very excited to see CC, Q, Mama, and Daddy
He sang all the songs, even did most of the motions.
 He was all smiles when he got his diploma.

 He requested a picture by the #1, since that was his number in t-ball.
 Then, he thought it would be fun to have his picture by the letter A, too.
 A picture with his sweet teacher, who did a phenomenal job teaching Levi.  I know that he is ready for kindergarten with all the preparation she gave.
The only problem now is that I'm not sure I'm ready for him to go to kindergarten!!


Kathy Rains said...

So sweet! I can't believe he's old enough for kindergarten.

Unknown said...

He can't be! He just can't be. Love the pictures, wish I could have been there!