Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Masters

My parents came to visit for Levi's first Easter. Levi still has a horrible cough and is taking breathing treatments, but he had a great time with his Mama K and Q. Levi had his first finger foods today - organic banana puffs by happy baby. He loved picking them up and letting them "slip" to his lap or the floor. I put one in his mouth, and he wasn't too sure about it. None of the others we put on his tray made it to his mouth.

Earlier this week, I modified his Ocean Wonders gym from the "kick" phase to the "crawl" phase. He finally decided he'd try it out.

Here are a couple of pictures I took after Q and Kevin got back from the Masters.

Also, today was Aunt Chery's birthday. Happy birthday! We love you!!!

1 comment:

Quimby said...

He's my little man.
Love Dad(Q)