Monday, April 13, 2009

Nine Months

Levi is nine months old. He is moving all over the house with his army crawl. He loves to sit in front of the tupperware cabinet. I put a wooden spoon on the shelf inside the cabinet, and it is always his first grab. He loves to wave it around in the air and beat it against the cabinet door, the cabinet shelves, and the tupperware. He also loves to pull out any tupperware that he can grab. Levi is learning to drink from a cup and a sippy cup. His two bottom teeth are really making a showing, and his two top teeth are really pushing on his gums. Levi loves to turn the pages of the books we read together. Levi is still in a size 3 diaper, except at night when he wears a size 4. I forgot to mention that when I took him to the doctor last week, he weighed 22 pounds, 5.5 ounces (with his clothes on).

1 comment:

Kathy Rains said...

He is precious! I love the squint for the camera. He's such a smart boy! Thanks for the pictures. Love you all so much!!!