Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas at the Zoo

Kevin found out that the zoo in Columbia was decorated with lights, so we decided to see what it was like. We bundled up with our coats, hats, mittens/gloves, and a blanket for Levi.

Levi loved the lights. He would clap and point.

Levi saw the carousel and wanted to ride, so Kevin de-bundled him and found a place for Levi to ride. It was the fastest carousel I've ever seen, but Levi didn't seem to mind. He cared more about the lights on the carousel than finding me for pictures or video clips.

Before we left for the evening, we decided to take a walk through the reptile house and aquarium - mainly to warm up a bit before we left.

Levi really liked to watch the fish.

1 comment:

a said...

What fun! He's much more into the zoo than when I went with him!