Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seventeen Months

Levi turned 17 months old on Sunday. He is such a character. He still loves to play ball. He calls football, "touchdown", and he loves throwing it with his daddy (mama is an okay second best). Levi also likes to be tackled by daddy while they're playing. Golf is usually still called, "pow" or "pow pow", as is baseball.

Levi likes to eat and say, "cheese". He has started signing "help" more consistently. He is still working towards one nap.

Levi started acting sick again last Thursday night. If you look real close at the picture, you can see some evidence of it... We're taking him to an allergy doctor next week to see if she can help us to know how we can get Levi to feel better on a more consistent basis. It just seems like he's been sick much more often than he's been well over the past couple of months.


a said...

He is SO precious! I love the picture. :)

Quimby said...

Growing up and what a personality he has. Loved the picture. Keep us updated on the Dr visit.

Kathy Rains said...

Just when I'm sure he can't be more precious, it happens. Thanks for sharing, Lindy. Love you all so much!