Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I am thankful for God's Love. I am thankful for His many blessings. I am thankful for my husband and for Levi. I am thankful for Levi's grandparents - my parents and my in-laws.

I am thankful...

for Levi's great-grandmothers.
for Levi's aunts (those pictured and not pictured - sorry AA and GAK; see GAJ below).

for Levi's uncles (those pictured and not pictured, sorry GUWa; see GUWe below).

for Levi's cousin (well, my cousin, but close enough!!).

that Levi doesn't have to wear reading glasses quite yet.

for hoola hooping.

I am thankful.


Kathy Rains said...

How precious! And, I am thankful for my beautiful daughter who is the most wonderful mother I have ever known! Love you!

Quimby said...

I'm thankful for my beautiful three daughters, two great son in laws and a super GRANDSON.
And a wife I dont deserve.
Love Yall

Dad (Q)