Wednesday, January 13, 2010

18 Months Old

Kevin and I thought it would be fun to capture some of Levi's first words the other night.

I guess Kevin and I can feel good that Levi said our names before he said, "Papa". As you can tell by some of his other "first words", Levi also loves almost anything sports. He still doesn't say the correct name for any of the sports, but his choices are pretty cute. He is also still very fond of some of his favorite signs to use. I'll have to try videoing those soon.

I thought it would be fun to capture some of the jabbering that Levi thinks is talking, too.

As you can tell, we have quite a communicator on our hands.

Levi has twelve teeth. You can see a couple of the back ones in this picture I took tonight. Hopefully, we'll be able to get an appointment for his first dentist's visit in the next couple of weeks.


Kathy Rains said...

He gets cuter everyday! Happy 18 months, big boy! Love you!

Quimby said...

18 months hard to believe. He is so smart. New words will be coming every day now.
Love DAD (Q)

Jamie said...

How cute!