Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last weekend, my parents and youngest sister came for a visit. We had a wonderful time.

Levi and Q playing golf on the Wii.

Levi with his aunt, showing off his bed head.

Levi and his Mama K.

Levi went to the doctor yesterday (1-22-2010) for his 18 month well visit. Levi was 33 3/4 inches tall (90th percentile) and weighed 28 lbs (80th percentile). His head was 19 inches in circumference (75th percentile). The doctor was impressed with all he could do. Levi also received five immunizations, because we had to catch up from those he missed at his 15 month visit. He was such a trooper! He really didn't cry until the last shot, which was in his arm. The lady who checks us out after each visit gave Levi a sticker. He loves getting stickers and having them put on the front of his shirt. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of him after the shots and with the sticker.

Last night after his doctor's visit, we had dinner with two other couples and their boys (one boy per couple). Levi had pizza and ate about as much as the adults! He was also very sweet with the two younger boys. I really wish I'd gotten a picture of the three boys together. Maybe next time...

1 comment:

a said...

It was the BEST weekend! Love you guys!