Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another First

This afternoon, Levi had his first trip to the driving range! We were a little worried that he would try to run after the balls he hit from the tee, because that's what he gets to do at home - and that he would be too loud, yelling, "POW!" whenever anyone hit the ball. We really thought he would have a hard time containing his excitement, but he surprised us both with his obedience. Kevin had to buy a bucket of golf balls for Levi to allow him out at the driving range, and Levi loved having his own bucket.

He drove balls from his bucket until he had about five left. Then, he decided he wanted to watch his daddy play. While he was entertained for a moment, I investigated the putting green. Levi and I headed over there once I knew we would have it to ourselves.

This morning, Kevin found me and Levi mixing the ingredients for a baked pancake for Levi's breakfasts this week. He is really becoming a wonderful helper; only a few minor messes and totally worth each one for the fun he has in helping.

Last night, some of our friends from church gave us a going away party. It is really sad to even think about saying good-bye to our friends here. They have been such an integral part of our lives here - most of them with us from singlehood to marriage to parenthood. It has truly been an amazing journey. I am excited to see where God takes our little family and to watch what God continues to do in the lives of our friends - even though watching will be from farther away.


a said...

So cute! He is SO good at golf...I'm completely impressed.

Kathy Rains said...

So cute! When is he going pro? Love you!

Unknown said...

wow! what a golfer! better than me for sure.