On New Year's Day, Kevin, Levi, and I spent a couple of hours at the emergency room. Turns out I have the flu, and the doctor was kind enough to assume that Levi has it too - rather than doing the flu swab on him. Kevin - so far - has been flu symptom free.
My parents were brave enough to take Levi and Kara Jane home with them on New Year's Day, so that I could focus on taking care of Liza - and getting myself better. This extra time has afforded me the opportunity to join Facebook. Me - probably the last hold out. Anyway, we had hoped that maybe Kara Jane had already experienced the flu - she'd had a low-grade fever over the weekend. However, yesterday, she actually seemed puny and feverish. My little busy-body would "play" and then just rest on her Q's lap for much longer than her play time. Neither kid slept very well last night. How will I ever be able to repay Khaki and Q???
On January 2, Kevin took Liza to the doctor. Her biliruben levels had been slightly elevated - not enough for the light but enough to be on watch. She was nice and pink, so a test wasn't even needed. Her weight was up to 6 pounds, 2 ounces - one ounce shy of her birth weight. The doctor was pleased enough to go ahead with her two-week blood work, so we won't have to go back next week for a two-week check-up. Unfortunately, though, is that Liza also has a confirmed case of the flu. The doctor was very impressed with how well she's doing though. We continue to watch her temperature and ensure that she's nursing well. So far, so good. We'd appreciate prayers.
Remember the gift
3 months ago
So sweet; so precious; so proud! You are an amazing mother, wife, and woman! We are so proud to have been able to help -- even if just a little bit!
We had so much fun with Levi and Kara. Kara is really beginning to show her personality (better get the standout slips and jellies ready). Levi has already surpassed my viedo game skills by ALOT. love dad (Q)
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