Saturday, January 5, 2013

Welcome Home

Levi and Kara Jane are back home.  I cannot adequately thank my parents for taking such wonderful care of them while I battled the flu and focused on Liza. 

No pictures of Levi's return.  He was too busy helping Daddy and Q connect a few dressers and bookcases to the walls that had not yet been connected.


Kathy Rains said...

We loved having them, flu and all! They are adorable! I couldn't believe that KJ asked to go outside. She definitely has a mind of her own!

Quimby said...

It was so much fun have Levi and Kara here. Levi can't understand why my skills a super mario are limited. Kara though is developing quite the personality (better be on the look out for belts, jellies and stand out slips). love dad (Q)