Thursday, January 31, 2013

Marriage According to Levi

Tonight while reading "The Girl No One Wanted" in the Jesus Storybook Bible, Levi said, "She (referring to Leah) can't have babies.  She's not married."  I remind him that she is married to Joseph.  Seeing the look on his face, I add that Joseph also married Rachel and that having two wives isn't allowed anymore.  He nods and then says, "I'm not going to get married."  Me:  "Okay; you don't have to get married; but why not?"  Levi: "Because you have to kiss on the mouth.  I don't want to kiss on the mouth because then her lipstick will get on my mouth."


Quimby said...

Wisdom according to Levi.

Kathy Rains said...

He's too smart!