Levi's grandparents have been watching him for the past two weeks because of his runny / stuffy nose and cough. The doctor had recommended trying to get rid of his runny / stuffy nose before putting him back in school, if at all possible. Thankfully, Levi's grandparents have been willing to watch him - even though he's had a couple of rough days this week. He's still trying to adjust to not getting a 4 am nursing time. I had decided that he needed to nurse and have breakfast when he woke up for the day, not have a 4 am nursing time and then go back to sleep and then have breakfast. Anyway, he's adjusting, but Wednesday was terrible. I had training at work, so I had to be there by a certain time. Levi didn't wake up before I needed to leave, so I pumped and left milk for his breakfast. He apparently did NOT like not having that time with me.
The past two days, Levi has not had a runny or stuffy nose at all. His cough still sounds horrible, but at least we're not having to swipe his nose continuously. Now that he doesn't have the runny nose, I'm praying that the cough will leave soon also. We decided, though, that it would be best to keep Levi out of school through the rest of the week. So, I gave Levi's grandparents a reprieve for the day and stayed home with him. What a fun day! Levi and I crawled all over the house, banged on tupperware, opened and closed doors, stacked rings, read books, blew bubbles, banged his remote control on the ground, stacked tupperware, drank water and milk, and ATE. Levi had a VERY hungry day today. He ate strawberries for the first time (in baby food, mixed with apples). I won't bore you with a rundown of everything he ate, but it was a bunch of food. We'll see if he eats as much tomorrow. I'm guessing he won't...
I LOVE being at home with my little man. He is just such fun, so precious, such a gift from God. I am so thankful for him.
Remember the gift
3 months ago
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