Saturday, January 17, 2009

Very Sad Firsts

Thursday night, Levi didn't sleep very well. He seemed to be developing a cold of sorts. Kevin didn't have kids at his school on Friday, so he took Levi to Grandma and Granddaddy Hughes for the morning. By the afternoon it was quite evident that Levi didn't just have a "cold", he was really sick. Levi had his first fever not caused by immunizations when we took his temperature Friday evening. He was so sad-acting. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see his little sad, weak eyes. I ended up having a very long night, holding him all night long - another first for us. His sleep was very fitful. Honestly, though, it was precious to have him so close, even if it was because he was so sick and it cost me a good night's sleep. I could feel his fever going up and down throughout the night. His fever finally seemed to break very early this morning. He wouldn't eat well, and then mid-morning, he was just beside himself. Levi is usually so well-tempered, so easily consolable, we knew that Levi was really sick. Thankfully, our pediatrician is part of a group of doctors who work together to have an after-hours clinic. The clinic opened today at noon; we were there at 11:50 and were still fifth or sixth in line. Our pediatrician was the on-call physician. He listened to Levi's chest and had me lay him down on the table to check his ears, nose, and throat. The doc touched Levi's left ear, and my baby started boo-hooing. Yes, Levi's first ear infection. Kevin filled Levi's prescription for amoxicillin - his first antibiotic. Kevin and I gave him the medicine tonight, and Levi took it much better than either of us imagined. Levi fell asleep on his own tonight, so I am praying for a better night than last night. Also, Levi's afternoon was much better than his morning; he was still a little weak-eyed, but he played and read. Please say a prayer for quick recovery and no more pain for my little man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the ear infection. I must say I do not have much experience in this area, as A as only ever had one, a couple of months before E was born, and E has not had one yet. Did you or Kevin have them as kids?

But you sound like life is perfect, ear infections and all...