Monday, September 8, 2008

Working Mama

I never hoped to be one, but today I became a working mama.  Please do not misunderstand.  I have always wanted to be a mom.  I just always wanted to be a stay at home mom - to be able to see every little smile, to hear every little cry.  But, today, I re-entered the workplace and left my little man at home.  I cried on the way to the plant this morning, and I teared up a few times while there.  I couldn't even bring myself to call to check on him for fear that I'd cry and not be able to stop.  But, I made it through the day by God's grace and strength - and countless prayers on my behalf (thank you, my prayer warriors!).  I got home, and he was fine, of course.  Levi is such a wonderful baby; such a joy.  We are so blessed, and I have to keep reminding myself how fortunate I am to be able to spend the majority of each week with him.  Most working mothers do not have that.  

I am looking forward to having all day to spend with him tomorrow.

1 comment:

agirlinawhirl said...

I'm really glad that you can work halftime now. I can only imagine how hard that first day back was. Hang in there...hope to see you soon.